Thursday, April 29, 2010


A knapsack, often mounted on a lightweight frame, that is worn on a person's back, as to carry camping supplies. backpack

hand me my backpack - pasame mi mochila
i like your backpack - me gusta tu mochila
your backpack is heavy - tu mochila pesa mucho

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Is a quality describing a society or a relationship that is operating harmoniously. This is commonly understood as the absence of hostility, or the existence of healthy or newly-healed interpersonal or international relationships, safety in matters of social or economic welfare, the acknowledgment of equality and fairness in political relationships and, in world matters, peacetime; a state of being absent of any war or conflict. PEACE

World peace - Paz mundial

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding - La paz no puede mantenerse por la fuerza. Sólo puede lograrse mediante la comprensión

Friday, April 23, 2010

Confidence or trust in a person or thing. belief that is not based on proof. FAITH

Tengo fé en Dios - I have faith in God

Monday, April 27, 2009


is a classification of a disease that appears as new cases in a given human population, during a given period. EPIDEMIC

Mexico have influenza epidemic - mexico tiene una epidemia de influenza

Friday, April 17, 2009


act of recognizing or admitting. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Quiero dar un agradecimiento a las personas que leen el blog - i want to give my acknowledgment to the persons who read this blog.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Exertion for the sake of training or improvement whether physical, intellectual, or moral; practice to acquire skill, knowledge, virtue, perfectness, grace. EXERCISE

I love exercise - amo el ejercicio
i'm doing exercise - estoy haciendo ejercicio
let's go some exercise - vamos a hacer algo de ejercicio

Thursday, April 9, 2009


is to support an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services.
Is the individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor. SPONSOR

i sponsor a child - yo sustento a un niño
you should sponsor a child - deberías sustentar a un niño